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Thorp Academy is a Renaissance Learning champion school for Accelerated Reading. 

Read about our success by clicking on the link button below:

How it Works
AR Target Awards
AR Success Board

At Thorp Academy, all of our KS3 students take part in the Accelerated Reading Programme. The students do this through their English classes once a fortnight in the LRC as well as during every registration time.  

Take a Star Reading Test...

Get your reading level....

Choose a book from that level....

Take the book home to read it......

When you have finished the whole book,          bring it back and take your quiz!

At the end of each term we reward our students who have reached or exceeded their reading targets.

Last 1/2 term 

115 students achieved 90% quizzes

447 students achieved 100% quizzes

Well done KS3!

All of the books in the LRC which are attached to the AR programme, are labelled at the top of the spine with the appropriate colours. See the posters around the LRC to find which colour matches your reading level.

All of our AR readers have their success with the programme added to the AR awards board.

Top borrowers each term are rewarded with a reading certificate and bookmark given out in the rewards assemblies.

If you are struggling to remember everything about your AR book when taking your quizzes, print off a help sheet or collect one from the issue desk. This will help you remember plot, characters and settings while you are reading. 

Choose a 6 day or 12 day sheet depending on the length of your book.

Fill in a box each time you read and record any characters you meet in the story.

Read over your notes before taking your quiz.

Click on the AR Help button above to print off the reading sheets.

Using Accelerated Reading at Thorp

Reading is important because:

It entertains you and strengthens your knowledge.

Niamh Yr8

As well as LRC books being used for quizzing, you can check to see if books you own and read at home are part of the programme. Click on the AR bookfinder button and you can search by Author, Title, Series or ISBN.

34 of our KS3 students reached or exceeded their AR targets this term.

They were awarded with a certificate and bookmark at the Achievement Party.

We are starting our Millionaires Club again from September. Any students who read over 1,000,000 words will be invited into the club and to special LRC events with prizes awarded.

Tegan, Dan, Laura, Amy, Natalie and Jasmine are our Word Millionaires this term and have read 9,678396 words collectively since September!

New Accelerated Reading Books
My Dad's a Birdman

My Dad's a Birdman


Clockwork Angel

Clockwork Angel


Mates Dates & Inflatable Bra's

Mates Dates & Inflatable Bra's


Mates Dates & Cosmic Kisses

Mates Dates & Cosmic Kisses


Jessica's Ghost

Jessica's Ghost


Lucky Star

Lucky Star


Jekyll's Mirror

Jekyll's Mirror


Wereworld Rage of Lions

Wereworld Rage of Lions


Cherry Crush

Cherry Crush


Looking Glass Wars

Looking Glass Wars


Student Coaching

During tutorial each week some of our KS3 AR readers are coached by Year 9 students.

They assist the students with quizzes and listen to them read. 

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Thorp LRC Staff

Learning Resource Centre 


Mrs Beth Khalil

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