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Thorp IAG

At Thorp Academy, all students are entitled to impartial careers advice and guidance through the careers section of the Learning Resource Centre or the attached Connexions officer from the Gateshead Connexions team.

We have a connexions officer for KS4 and KS5 who interview students about their intended destinations whether it be 6th form, Apprenticeships, College or University.

KS3 Career Information Literacy Lessons
Online Programmes

As part of the LRC Information Literacy Programme and to comply with IAG guidelines, we will be guiding our Year 7/8 students through various careers activities.  They will look at the skill sets and information needed to secure a chosen career.  They will be creating career factsheets using online research, jobs posters matching their favourite subjects, pathway powerpoints, employability skills and interview preparation leaflets.


Year 7 Journalism Session

Employability Skills

Apprenticeship Week

Ian Callender from SCA in Prudhoe visited our school to talk to year 11 & 13 students about their Apprenticeship programme.

He showed the students a video of how the company operates and described the jobs which Apprenticeship students undertake in the company.

The How2become website is an excellent site where you can find lots of information on many careers. Click on the picture to take you to the site.

The Careers World Magazine is available in the Careers Corner of the LRC. It includes famous stars interviews, job sectors, careers materials, University information, job market information & Apprenticeship links.

Click on the picture for the current online magazine.

Create a professional CV using the LiveCareer website opposite. Upload your exsiting CV or create a new one using the templates provided.

Print, save or email the CV when you are finished.

We have strong links with Derwentside College who provide our Academy with Apprenticeship opportunities regularly. These will displayed on the noticeboard on the 6th Form platform. Click on the logo to find out which Apprenticeships they offer.

Careers Corner

The Careers corner of the LRC is sorted into the Occupational Areas on the key.  We are constantly building and updating folders for each job area with leaflets, website links and current job market information.

If students would like specific information on any of the occupational areas they will need to fill in a request form at the desk and we will put the information together for them.


All of our College and University prospectuses are shelved in the 6th Form study room.

They are shelved in alphabetical order in box files.  If students want to take a prospectus they must ask at the issue desk as one may have to be ordered.

University & College website information links can be found on our 6th form page.!6th-form/cutu


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Thorp LRC Staff

Learning Resource Centre 


Mrs Beth Khalil

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